Always make a backup before overwriting configuration files. You can replace your kotor2.ini file with this one if you are having trouble modifying the file. Note: The following file ( kotor2cht.zip) contains a modified version of the kotor2.ini file with the EnableCheats line added. While playing, press ` (below tilde) and or to activate the console then type any of the following cheat codes followed by (may need to use ENTER on the num pad): Edit the file with Notepad and under the line add the following line: He ended up bringing down the entire Jedi and took control of the galaxy in one fell swoop, making him our pick for the most powerful Sith in the entire Star Wars saga.Find the file called " swkotor2.ini" in your Knights of the Old Republic game folder. His death was later brought on by his own apprentice, Darth Vader, but he had reached full potential with his absolute control of the Dark Side. His power and swordsmanship are only matched by his political prowess and cunning. Originally Senator Palpatine, and Darth Plagueis’ apprentice, Darth Sidious exacted the ancient plan of Darth Bane to slowly corrupt the Jedi from the inside, and ultimately bring them down. Next: The most powerful and cunning of them all.

In the old Expanded Universe (now no longer canonical), he later tried to corrupt Luke Skywalker’s apprentices, and even succeeded with one. He was later killed by his own apprentice, Droma, but was able to separate his spirit from his physical form, where he stayed for a few millennia. Exar Kun was the first Sith or Jedi to wield the double-bladed lightsaber (sorry, Darth Maul) and unveiled it when he broke Droma out of a Jedi Council sentencing, killing Supreme Chancellor Sidrona. Exar Kun, Sith master to Ulric Qel Droma, led the battle against the Old Republic and Jedi in the Jedi-Sith wars.